TP – Transpallet turntable

Turntables are also available in TP  „Horse Shoe“ – Versions.

Adviced in those situations where the space is limited, or the use of a loading ramp is not possible.
The TP Versions are specially designed to be loaded by means of a manual transpallet.

The loading position, „Frontal 18.00Hr/ Left 21.00Hr or Rightside 15.00Hr can be changed during the lifetime of the machine.
We provide you the loading postion already prepared according wish so that limited time is required for the installation.

There is also the possebility to load with a forklift or electrical pallet stacker, in those case though we advise the wider loading ramp.

To load easy and comfortable, manually pallets we can also provide the so called „LOW PROFILE“ turntable.

TP – Transpallet turntable ist verfügbar für folgende Modelle:

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