Revolution HD

  • Altezza Standard di avvolgimento: 2000 mm
  • Altezza linea alimentazione standard: da 450 a 500 mm
  • Velocità rotazione braccio regolabile con inverter: max 30 giri al minuto
  • Velocità di discesa del carrello: selezionabile liberamente


Thanks to ATLANTA’s engineering department the REVOLUTION series, meets all the requirements of today’s demanding market.

Each model is designed to be highly efficient at wrapping all kinds of products, including those that are unstable, very light or easily crushed. It operates using a rotating arm which wraps around the product producing a highly secure and stable fully loaded pallet. To achieve this the pallet is wrapped whilst it is stationary.

The design of the strong steel frame guarantees a long working life and the clever way the cabling is routed through the inside the frame, guarantees it to be a robust machine which consequently presents a very low risk for accidental damage. This adds to the already high level of reliability the revolution is known for, it also minimises the potential for interruptions to the production process.

The machine is designed to be extremely compact and this results in a very small footprint on the factory floor.

Revolution HD


Revolution HD


Revolution HD


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