Mytho Station

  • Altezza Standard di avvolgimento: 2000 mm
  • Altezza linea alimentazione standard: da 450 a 500 mm
  • Velocità rotazione braccio regolabile con inverter: max 30 giri al minuto
  • Velocità di discesa del carrello: selezionabile liberamente


The MYTHO Auto simplifies the automated pallet wrapping process. It reduces costs without any reduction in quality or speed. Operators load pallets onto the turntable and start the machine. From that point on, the process of wrapping the pallet is fully automated. This includes the film tail being cut and the option of welding the tail against the pallet. Operators then finish the process by unloading the wrapped pallet from the turntable.

The easy to use 11″ TOUCH SCREEN operating panel allows you to setup a number of different parameters, these ensure the best quality wrapping patterns.
Our enhanced version PLC provides up to 99 programs suitable for every kind of wrapping pattern for differing and varied products. This machine is ready for pallet wrapping in the 21st century.

Mytho Station


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Mytho Station


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